User Research Tagging and Coding – Aurelius Product Updates July 2019

Tagging and coding user research notes and data just got easier with our latest updates in Aurelius!

We’ve been very busy learning from our customers on how to help them best tag, analyze and share their user research data and findings. In continuing with our product updates and sharing what we learn from customers and what we did about it, keep reading to hear all about our latest product updates.

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Sharing and Organizing User Research Just Got Easier

Aurelius Product Updates – March 2019

We’ve been working hard on several updates to Aurelius! 

Our customers and trial users give us tons of feedback and we use all of it to directly inform our product roadmap and what we eventually launch. This is something we take a lot of pride in since we are a user research tool, built by UX and research folks, for UX and design research teams.

Additionally, we found that other people like us just plain find it interesting to hear about what we build and what led us to making those decisions.

In this post we’ll outline some of what we learned and what we built and launched in response to those research insights from our very own audience.

read more… “Sharing and Organizing User Research Just Got Easier”