Aurelius Podcast: Episode 28 with Jim Kalbach on Customer Experience and Design in Business

Episode 28 highlights with Jim Kalbach:

  • What is the difference between user experience, customer experience and marketing
  • Jim’s background in UX design and how that helped him transition to his role now in customer experience and product education
  • Remembering that the “grass is never greener” and no organization is perfect in order to have a longer term impact where you work
  • What is the true secret to becoming a kick ass design leader
  • The long term effects of even the smallest UX and user research decisions
  • Experience mapping principles and tips from Jim’s book
  • Building empathy and understanding for your stakeholders and business to be a more successful designer

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A User Research Methods, Process and Overview Guide

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

What is User Research?

User research is the practice of understanding the people using a design, product or service. While there’s many methods and approaches to conducting user research one thing is universally true, user research is critical to making more informed design, product and feature decisions.

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Aurelius Podcast: Episode 27 with Brianna Sylver on the Differences Between Market Research and User Research

Listen to Episode 27 for highlights with Brianna Sylver including:

  • The difference between user research and market research
  • Using both market research and user research to build a better design strategy
  • Why market research may not be what you think it is
  • How and when you should think about doing user research more like a market researcher
  • Project mindset vs. product mindset
  • Tactical vs. strategic UX design

read more… “Aurelius Podcast: Episode 27 with Brianna Sylver on the Differences Between Market Research and User Research”

How to Create UX Research Nuggets like Polaris from WeWork

Doing user research and collecting customer feedback lands you with a whole lot of data. In fact it can be pretty tough for even the most senior designers, researchers and product managers to sort through it all…so imagine how hard it would be for stakeholders and other team members to figure out what we learned. Enter the “UX research nugget”.

read more… “How to Create UX Research Nuggets like Polaris from WeWork”

Aurelius Podcast: Episode 26 with Jeffrey Zeldman on Web Design and Design Ethics

Episode 26 highlights with Jeffrey Zeldman:

  • How Jeffrey and the team at An Event Apart design the experience of the conference
  • The dangers in the seduction of building “cool” stuff as opposed to the things people need
  • What’s the difference between junior designers and senior designers?
  • Design ethics, mindfulness and inclusiveness in UX design and product management
  • How the web and design has changed since 1995

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Aurelius Podcast: Episode 25 with Michelle Fitzpatrick on Product Management and User Research at Intercom

Episode 25 highlights:

  • Product management at Intercom
  • Choosing the right problems to solve for your customers
  • What user research looks like at Intercom
  • How Michelle and the product team at Intercom chooses which projects to work on
  • Where does UX design start and Product Management end?

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Aurelius Podcast: Episode 24 with Denise Jacobs on Creativity and Banishing Your Inner Critic

Episode 24 Highlights:

  • What is creativity?
  • The concept of “flow” and its role in identifying and harnessing your creativity
  • Denise’s story of her very own zone of genius and how you can find yours
  • Dangers of burnout, how you got there, how to dig yourself out and also how to avoid it
  • Different types of motivation and what they have to do with your work
  • How making custom earrings helps Denise be a better writer and speaker
  • Using HALT to take care of yourself and foster your inner creativity

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Aurelius Podcast: Episode 23 with Lindsey Redinger on User Research and ResearchOps

Episode 23 Highlights:

  • What is ResearchOps and how do you operationalize user research?
  • Making research accessible to everyone in the organization
  • How InVision documents and stores user research insights
  • Lindsey’s trick for helping all of InVision build empathy with their customers
  • Getting new employees at InVision up to speed with who their customers are as part of their new hire onboarding
  • How to get started in your ResearchOps practice or operationalizing user research and your company
  • Keeping individual projects aligned to broader company goals
  • How Lindsey and InVision uses the Jobs To Be Done framework to keep user research focused

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Aurelius Podcast: Episode 22 with Peter Morville on Planning, User Research and Mindfulness

Episode 22 highlights with Peter Morville:

  • Peter’s new book “Planning for Everything” and what led him to decide to write a book about planning
  • What we can learn from the U.S. Marines about planning better design and research projects
  • Peter’s framework of S.T.A.R.F.I.N.D.E.R and how to use it for better planning of your ux, design and research projects
  • How Agile development process can help…and hinder your design and software project planning
  • Are you OVER-planning? How to determine if you are and if so work at getting better at improvising
  • Tips for convincing your stakeholders to do (or do more) user research
  • Systems thinking and how it applies to UX design and product management
  • Ways to be more self-aware in the design, features and decisions we make in our work as UX designers, researchers and product managers

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Aurelius Podcast: Episode 21 with Lou Rosenfeld on DesignOps, ResearchOps and UX

Episode 21 Highlights:

  • Lou’s background, the beginning of the internet and how UX/IA all started
  • The stories behind Lou meeting Tim Berners Lee and Larry Page
  • How Lou started Rosenfeld Media, the UX book publishing company
  • The story of the blind men and the elephant and how it applies to building a great user experience
  • DesignOps, ResearchOps and how Lou began major conferences around those topics
  • Lou’s advice for those of us working in large organizations doing UX design

read more… “Aurelius Podcast: Episode 21 with Lou Rosenfeld on DesignOps, ResearchOps and UX”