Aurelius Podcast: Episode 29 with Jorge Arango on Design Ethics

Episode 29 highlights with Jorge Arango:

  • The similarities between physical architecture and UX design
  • Tips we can apply from the process of architecture to digital design
  • How to think about physical spaces to inform the digital information spaces you create
  • Feedback loops in digital information spaces
  • How the rate of change in physical buildings vs. digital spaces has changed our expectations as a culture
  • The ways language greatly impact our expectations and design of digital spaces
  • Design ethics in digital places where civic discourse happens and how we as designers can be more mindful in creating them

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Aurelius Podcast: Episode 28 with Jim Kalbach on Customer Experience and Design in Business

Episode 28 highlights with Jim Kalbach:

  • What is the difference between user experience, customer experience and marketing
  • Jim’s background in UX design and how that helped him transition to his role now in customer experience and product education
  • Remembering that the “grass is never greener” and no organization is perfect in order to have a longer term impact where you work
  • What is the true secret to becoming a kick ass design leader
  • The long term effects of even the smallest UX and user research decisions
  • Experience mapping principles and tips from Jim’s book
  • Building empathy and understanding for your stakeholders and business to be a more successful designer

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Aurelius Podcast: Episode 27 with Brianna Sylver on the Differences Between Market Research and User Research

Listen to Episode 27 for highlights with Brianna Sylver including:

  • The difference between user research and market research
  • Using both market research and user research to build a better design strategy
  • Why market research may not be what you think it is
  • How and when you should think about doing user research more like a market researcher
  • Project mindset vs. product mindset
  • Tactical vs. strategic UX design

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Aurelius Podcast: Episode 26 with Jeffrey Zeldman on Web Design and Design Ethics

Episode 26 highlights with Jeffrey Zeldman:

  • How Jeffrey and the team at An Event Apart design the experience of the conference
  • The dangers in the seduction of building “cool” stuff as opposed to the things people need
  • What’s the difference between junior designers and senior designers?
  • Design ethics, mindfulness and inclusiveness in UX design and product management
  • How the web and design has changed since 1995

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Aurelius Podcast: Episode 25 with Michelle Fitzpatrick on Product Management and User Research at Intercom

Episode 25 highlights:

  • Product management at Intercom
  • Choosing the right problems to solve for your customers
  • What user research looks like at Intercom
  • How Michelle and the product team at Intercom chooses which projects to work on
  • Where does UX design start and Product Management end?

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Aurelius Podcast: Episode 24 with Denise Jacobs on Creativity and Banishing Your Inner Critic

Episode 24 Highlights:

  • What is creativity?
  • The concept of “flow” and its role in identifying and harnessing your creativity
  • Denise’s story of her very own zone of genius and how you can find yours
  • Dangers of burnout, how you got there, how to dig yourself out and also how to avoid it
  • Different types of motivation and what they have to do with your work
  • How making custom earrings helps Denise be a better writer and speaker
  • Using HALT to take care of yourself and foster your inner creativity

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Aurelius Podcast: Episode 23 with Lindsey Redinger on User Research and ResearchOps

Episode 23 Highlights:

  • What is ResearchOps and how do you operationalize user research?
  • Making research accessible to everyone in the organization
  • How InVision documents and stores user research insights
  • Lindsey’s trick for helping all of InVision build empathy with their customers
  • Getting new employees at InVision up to speed with who their customers are as part of their new hire onboarding
  • How to get started in your ResearchOps practice or operationalizing user research and your company
  • Keeping individual projects aligned to broader company goals
  • How Lindsey and InVision uses the Jobs To Be Done framework to keep user research focused

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Aurelius Podcast: Episode 22 with Peter Morville on Planning, User Research and Mindfulness

Episode 22 highlights with Peter Morville:

  • Peter’s new book “Planning for Everything” and what led him to decide to write a book about planning
  • What we can learn from the U.S. Marines about planning better design and research projects
  • Peter’s framework of S.T.A.R.F.I.N.D.E.R and how to use it for better planning of your ux, design and research projects
  • How Agile development process can help…and hinder your design and software project planning
  • Are you OVER-planning? How to determine if you are and if so work at getting better at improvising
  • Tips for convincing your stakeholders to do (or do more) user research
  • Systems thinking and how it applies to UX design and product management
  • Ways to be more self-aware in the design, features and decisions we make in our work as UX designers, researchers and product managers

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Aurelius Podcast: Episode 21 with Lou Rosenfeld on DesignOps, ResearchOps and UX

Episode 21 Highlights:

  • Lou’s background, the beginning of the internet and how UX/IA all started
  • The stories behind Lou meeting Tim Berners Lee and Larry Page
  • How Lou started Rosenfeld Media, the UX book publishing company
  • The story of the blind men and the elephant and how it applies to building a great user experience
  • DesignOps, ResearchOps and how Lou began major conferences around those topics
  • Lou’s advice for those of us working in large organizations doing UX design

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Aurelius Podcast: Episode 15 with Indi Young discussing Empathy, User Research, Synthesis and Thinking Styles

Episode 15 highlights:

  • Non dominant thinking styles, diversity in product design and user research
  • Difference between problem space research and solutions research and why it matters
  • The concept of “thinking styles” in research and how to apply them in UX design
  • How machine learning and AI can create emergent experiences in the future
  • Different types of empathy (cognitive and emotional), what they are and how to use each one
  • A brilliant, tactical example of how to make sense of what you learn from user research

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