Aurelius Podcast: Episode 18 with Patrick Campbell on Customer Development, User Research for Pricing and Using Data for Better Decisions

Episode 18 highlights:

  • How user research directly applies to making businesses more successful
  • Doing customer research to inform pricing strategy
  • Figuring out what is most valuable to your customers
  • Using customer research to develop buyer personas
  • How you’re probably doing surveys wrong and how to fix that
  • Helping people understand what you learned from user research and put it to use
  • Potential pitfalls of building and using personas and how you can avoid them

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Aurelius Podcast: Episode 12 with Tomer Sharon on Polaris from WeWork, UX Nuggets and Key Insights and ResearchOps

Episode 12 highlights:

  • Tomer Sharon’s version of a user research repository tool at WeWork, Polaris
  • Tomer Sharon on Democratizing UX
  • What is user research
  • Research nuggets and key insights, what they are and how to create them
  • How to do user research the right way
  • What questions can user research answer
  • Difference between finding out what customer want vs what they need

read more… “Aurelius Podcast: Episode 12 with Tomer Sharon on Polaris from WeWork, UX Nuggets and Key Insights and ResearchOps”

Aurelius Podcast: Episode 11 with Christina Wodtke on OKRs and User Research

Episode 11 highlights:

  • Why understanding a business model is critical for designers

  • Using design to do more than make a great interface or a sexy advertisement

  • Humanizing business and letting design/design thinking drive how business gets done

  • What OKRs are, where they’re used and how to do them

  • How Christina has used OKRs for both business and her own life

  • Embracing business metrics as designers

  • How you can be more innovative than Steve Jobs 
Tools and techniques for looking at your customer feedback and research insights to get beyond your assumptions

read more… “Aurelius Podcast: Episode 11 with Christina Wodtke on OKRs and User Research”

Aurelius Podcast: Episode 5 with Dan Brown on Design Discovery

Episode 5 highlights:

  • Design discovery; what it is and how to do it?
  • Creating designs as a way to further push the discovery process
  • Striking a balance between “big picture” and “fleshing out the details”
  • Knowing when you have enough information to design
  • Using a common language to share and act on user research insights

read more… “Aurelius Podcast: Episode 5 with Dan Brown on Design Discovery”

Aurelius Podcast: Episode 6 with Peter Merholz on Product & Design Strategy

Episode 6 highlights:

  • Some history of Adaptive Path and how they got into design and product strategy
  • Pitfalls to avoid when making a product and design strategy
  • How to be more than a UX design “stylist” or “executionist”
  • The role of UX and design in business strategy
  • Differences between UX and product management
  • Design like a lawyer and get everyone on board with your decisions and recommendations

read more… “Aurelius Podcast: Episode 6 with Peter Merholz on Product & Design Strategy”

Aurelius Podcast: Episode 2 with Jared Spool

Episode 2 highlights:

  • the importance of framing the problem in UX and product strategy
  • how to tell if you’re designing and building the right features or products
  • measuring the impact and success of UX design and product strategy
  • balancing an understanding of the business strategy to make better design and product recommendations
  • Jared’s most effective way of getting your company to prioritize UX and product strategy
  • who owns the user experience?

read more… “Aurelius Podcast: Episode 2 with Jared Spool”

Aurelius Podcast: Episode 3 with Fred Beecher on Design Strategy

Episode 3 highlights:

  • What is design strategy? What is product strategy?
  • Effective design strategy methods and approach
  • Where business strategy ends and design strategy begins and the difference between the two
  • Where design fits into business strategy
  • How design can help you monetize failure
  • Ways that design and product strategy can drive business strategy
  • Practical ways design can help fulfill your company mission

read more… “Aurelius Podcast: Episode 3 with Fred Beecher on Design Strategy”

Aurelius Podcast: Episode 8 with Audrey Crane on UX Design, Research & Napkins

Episode 8 highlights:
  • Audrey’s concept of “give me a napkin”
  • Knowing how and when to step backwards from a prescribed solution to find the problem to solve
  • Working with your team and stakeholders so you can make a meaningful contribution as a designer
  • How we can find, and solve, the right problems as designers
  • UX designers and product managers working together successfully
  • Who owns the advocacy for and voice of the customer?

read more… “Aurelius Podcast: Episode 8 with Audrey Crane on UX Design, Research & Napkins”

Aurelius Podcast: Episode 7 with Jeff Gothelf on Product & Design Strategy

Episode 7 highlights:

  • Jeff’s definition of product strategy
  • Bringing clarity to the process of building a product strategy
  • The difference between brand and product strategy, and how they work together
  • The single biggest factor that holds most companies back from having a great product strategy
  • Building a product roadmap and strategy that actually works
  • How to empower your teams to solve problems instead of only building features
  • Who owns the product strategy? Product managers or UX Designers?

read more… “Aurelius Podcast: Episode 7 with Jeff Gothelf on Product & Design Strategy”

Aurelius Podcast: Episode 4 with Josh Brewer on UX Design & Product Strategy

Episode 4 highlights:

  • How we know we’re building the right products and features
  • Using the “jobs to be done” framework in design and product management
  • How Twitter used UX design critiques to determine they were solving the right problems
  • Presenting design decisions to your team vs. presenting to stakeholders
  • “Having a seat at the table” and what that looks like as a UX designer
  • Helping your company value UX design at the highest executive level
  • Measuring the success of UX design and product management

read more… “Aurelius Podcast: Episode 4 with Josh Brewer on UX Design & Product Strategy”